Call for Exhibitors

Call for Exhibitors

Reach the Top Racers in the Southeast

If your company is in the racing industry, we’d love to invite you to be a part of the 2023 CARS Racing Show.

The show will be taking place Friday, January 6th and Saturday, January 7th, 2023 at the Hickory Metro Convention Center in Hickory, North Carolina.  Move-in day is Thursday, January 5th.

Hickory, North Carolina is centrally located right on I-40.  It is within a 2-3 hour radius of racers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and East Tennessee.

The show primarily attracts circle track racers in the southeast within that 2-3 hour radius, but we also have several racers from Alabama, Mississippi, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, and Florida.  Attendees are interested in seeing the latest technology, meeting manufacturers, and buying products right at the show.

January is the perfect time to reach racers who are building their cars for the season.

Our previous exhibitors have commented that the show has helped them:

Connect with Racers in the Southeast

Meet with Southeastern Dealers

Attract New Dealers

Engage with their exact Target Audience

Signing up for a booth is easy.  You can call one of our show organizers or fill out our online form.

Jimmy Schiltz  828-228-9892
Kate Dillon  828-468-1160

You can find the current floor plan here.  Select a booth you are interested in and scroll to the Booth Request Button to fill out the form.

And, if you’re interested in seeing our current list of exhibitors, you’ll find them here.

The last two shows have been great, even with the challenges presented since 2020.  We’re looking forward to making this show the best one yet!

Join us

2022 CARS Racing Show
From left to right, Bad Dog Tools, Peavy Motorsports, Excel Racing Chassis, Magnus Performance


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